Wednesday, December 3, 2014

If your Dad is in the Army...

If your dad is in the Army...
You've probably driven cross country multiple times in your lifetime.
If your dad is in the Army..
You've probably flown across the country often, incessantly, tons..and too much.

The miles just keep racking up. Here is your how-to survive your 180 days around the world (at least that's what it sometimes feels like as a military kid, going around and around the world in limited timeframes.. because there is always an expiration day and a ticket/ car to take you away somewhere else). There is a lot of travel over the span of your parent's military careers and usually beyond that, if that military travel bug takes a bite outta you.

Here are my tricks of the trade, especially with the holidays quickly approaching, travel is about to kick back up in full force for a lot of folks. Not just of the military variety. Here's a thing or two you don't want to fly without..

This is a spiff. I'm not a trendy blog, I don't have a neat and tidy list of bizarre items that you want to keep on hand "in case". Travel is not flawless, get that fact straight in your mind and you're gold. Like, those bloggers that just insist you need some spray can bottle of Evian to keep your skin hydrated during a long flight.  I think you're an expert as long as you managed to keep track of your passport, military I.D. card, and your debit card. And if you remembered to punch in your Delta frequent flyer miles for your flight, then you are absolutely THE travel guru in my book.

Okay, so here is my saving grace, my little dose of love, and my supreme dirty little secret for flying' across the globe...

Yes Coke-a-Cola and Peanuts.
Learn it. Live it. Love it.
And bless your heart North Cackalacky for this wealth of knowledge regarding livin' right.
Livin' right means there's peanuts in your Coke-a-Cola. Livin' right means you fly or drive while sipping' on this heavenly concoction. Sip onnnnnn brats. (And civilians too because this good is meant to be shared)

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